Growing Vegetables and Talents

Mirembe Vertical Gardens and Vocational center

Mirembe Vertical Gardens and Vocational center is an off shoot of MUKatanga , a registered community-based organization (CBO). Run by Arthur C. Kisitu and Dorah Nakidde for the advancement and well-being of young people and single mothers in the community.


An integrated recycling, farming and vertical gardening project, it is one of the channels to boost the community’s economic and domestic income status. Designed to serve as a guest house on the one hand, It is also the permanent base for our virtual online children’s exchange program with practical lessons, shared between the local community’s children and other children overseas.


Our goal is to grow and earn income from fresh vegetables, in and out of season using local innovations. We grow a variety of vegetables on the farm: Sukuma wiki, carrots, onions, cabbages, coriander, and tomatoes. Some is for our domestic consumption, the surplus will be sold to the online market.

Exploring the harmony between Art and agriculture is at the heart of MIREMBE Vertical Gardens and vocational center.


Through music, film and dance to tell stories of our culture and traditions. Through art and play, we seek for children to experience intercultural exchange and share their experiences – good and bad.


Harnessing the energy from our virtual classrooms where children sing, dance and paint the stories and lessons common to them. This is our contribution to shaping the minds of the next generation of global change-makers working in their own communities for cultural, ecological and economic sustainability.


Since the birth of our daughter in 2021, the need for raising a new generation of ‘Agri-artivists’ has become incredibly important to us, especially for the purpose of transferring generational knowledge in order to raise a curious child. Informed about the development of ‘Arts for Agricultural’ as a collective toolset for sustainable, health and livelihood.  Using visual art and performance not only as a form of inter-cultural dialogue, but as a medium through which agricultural teachings could be applied.


We picture a new brand of online virtual agricultural shows – harvest festivals, where learning exchange takes place digitally through online workshops, teaching old and new knowledge celebrated through visual and performing arts.  Talk about a new film genre that shares the stories and lessons of small farmer children.


Given the ever-growing signs of social turmoil and ecological disruption worldwide, it’s more important than ever before to hear ideas and stories that speak to the value of new narratives. To challenge the long-dominant narrative of profit-driven systems; which often come at the expense of life’s simple and natural form; and of our ability to experience well-being.


Besides buying more seedlings for the coming season. We need to purchase a bigger tank that collects and stores more rainwater to irrigate the vertical gardens. Combined with organic fertilization techniques, this will enable us to grow more nutritious vegetables in a space that would otherwise be too difficult.

MIREMBE DIY vertical garden helps inspire our community with a minimal structural footprint.


The open source vertical garden (urban farm pavilion) was initially intended for the Katanga grounds. Shortage of land in Katanga forced us to relocate the idea to Bukaya (off Garuga road). Designed specifically for effectiveness in our small space, the structure’s design allows light and water to reach every level of the garden while still providing shade and shelter for the guest house.


As part of our goal to increase domestic food sustainability, the design utilized only the most basic repurposed materials to construct. To become more agriculturally self-sustainable on an entire off-grid, fostering an ideal no waste, carbon-neutral sustainable food cycle is our long term goal